January 12, 2010 is a day Haitians will never forget, and it certainly makes a mark on our own history here at International Child Care.
“When the earthquake struck, all of the children’s cribs rolled to the middle of the room. We were scared and cried for Jesus. One girl died, and it was very frightening,” said a young girl who was in the hospital that day.
The earthquake took the lives of thousands and displaced 1.5 million people from their homes. Grace Children’s Hospital was destroyed beyond repair.
Grace Children's Hospital today.
“The catastrophe slowed our progress,” said Dr. Ronnie Derius, medical director at the hospital. “Instead of growing the hospital to move forward, we are obliged to think about rebuilding and repairing instead.”
Thanks to your unending love and support, Grace has continued to care for the most needed despite this setback. Now in transitional buildings located across the street from the original location, the hospital has seen much growth in the last seven years including a new training lab, new offices, and expanded outpatient services.
But despite the progress, more needs to be done.
“The country is thankful for the love and help received after the tragedy,” said Dr. Derius, “But Haiti needs more action than empathy."
"More sustainability and self-sufficiency needs to be created in order for the country to go from poverty level to development," he said. "We need education and action to be taken.”
Here’s What you Can Do To Help:
1. Pray for all those who lost loved ones in the earthquake and for all those that may struggle with the emotions of today. Pray that they feel God’s presence and love today, and:
2. Give a gift to International Child Care to continue Grace Children’s Hospital’s unending support to its community and help them along their journey to recovery.
3. Share this post with friends and family to raise awareness that although its no longer in the headlines, Haiti still needs our financial support as its people build themselves back up.